§ 10 Membership and Subscription Fees
- As soon as membership formalities have been concluded, members have to pay membership contributions as determined by the General Assembly. The Amount to be paid for membership is determined as follows:
- Member federations or member associations pay 1 (one) Euro for every member of the federation; subject to a minimum of 70 (seventy) Euros for up to 100 members.
- Individual members and Associate Members pay a subscription fee of 50 (fifty) Euros.
- Honorary members do not pay a contribution.
- A musher participating in a WSA event and not nominated by a national association, has to pay a higher entry fee. The difference in the amount is for the account of WSA. Details are to be agreed with the respective event organisers.
- Members have to pay membership fees of the Association annually. The amount is determined by the General Assembly.
3. Members are legally responsible for the payment of possible membership taxation amounts.
4. Such members who do not meet their financial obligations in time automatically lose their rights to vote.
§ 11 Rights and Obligations of Members
- All member organisations have the same rights and obligations.
- Members can according to agreements and regulations use all facilities belonging to the association and can participate in all events.
- Members agree to observe the following rules:
- Sled dog races can only be conducted with pedigree sled dogs which have the appropriate documentation/family tree from the F.C.I. or from a breeder recognised by the F.C.I.
- Members can participate in WSA events in accordance with regulations and conditions laid down for such an event.
- Members have to breed and train the dogs in a respectful manner and have to act in accordance with the regulations of international animal protection organisations.
- During events they have to behave in a friendly manner and appear according to fair-play criteria.
- They have to promote the objectives of the Association in the general interest.
- They have to meet their payment obligations to the Association and have to keep the Association updated as to the actual number of individual members within the organisation.
- They have to pass on all WSA information related to membership status, promptly and in writing to individual members. This information is also to be made public on the WSA website.