§ 12 The General Assembly (GA)
- The General Assembly (GA) consists of representatives from the member federations and member organisations. These delegates are elected and sent by their respective associations. A transfer of voting rights is permissible within the underlying guidelines. The GA is the decisive body of the Association. The General Assembly can make decisions without consideration for the actual number of participants.
2. These members have such voting rights corresponding to the number of members in their respective countries. These voting rights are as follows:
- Members with less than 100 people - 1 vote
- Members with 101 to 500 people - 2 votes
- Members with 501 to 800 people - 4 votes
- every further 100 people over 800 people - 1 vote (starting at 900)
3. The GA is chaired by the Chairman, or in his absence the Vice Chairman or another member of the inner Board. The Assembly determines the chair if no Board member is present. During elections the GA chair has to be handed to an election committee for the duration of the election and temporary discussion. The election committee consists of 2 people. This committee takes over the chair of the GA until the Chairman is elected and supervises the secret election of the Board.
§ 13 Notice of a General Assembly / Proposals
- The regular General Assembly/GA takes place once a year – preferably in June/July. The latest date is the month of September. The GA is called by the Chairman. The notice has to be in writing and has to be made public on the WSA website accordingly.
- An Extraordinary General Assembly of the Association has to be called when a minimum of 50% of members of the GA or 2/5 of the member Federations apply for such an Assembly. Such an application has to be submitted in writing to the Chairman clearly detailing the reasons for such an Extraordinary General Assembly. The Chairman is obliged to inform all Chair persons of the member associations and organisations of such an application.
- The calling of an Extraordinary General Assembly has to take place at least 6 (six) weeks prior to the commencement of the General Assembly. During this time, until publication of the agenda, members have the opportunity to make proposals to the GA.
- The agenda points to be dealt with during the General Assembly have to be published on the WSA website at least 3 (three) weeks prior to the commencement of the General Assembly and the member associations have to be informed of such an event in writing.
- During the Assembly the Board can still introduce urgent proposals, the acceptance of which has to be decided by the General Assembly. The General Assembly also decides over additions to the agenda which were initiated at the Members’ meeting. For the acceptance of such proposal a majority of 2/3 of the rendered valid votes is required.
- Proposals for alteration of the Statutes cannot be made during the General Assembly.
- Alteration to the Statutes, proposals for alteration to the established rules and regulations of the Association as well as alteration to the amount of membership contribution are only possible if members have been issued, together with the agenda, the text of the newly proposed alteration to the Statutes and the text for the alteration to the established rules as well as the newly proposed amount of membership contribution.