§ 15 Decisions by the Executive Committee/Board/Extended Board
- The Board is the highest body of the Association. It decides in all matters, as long as the decision making falls in its areas of responsibility and not in that of the General Assembly/GA. The Board and/or other authorised WSA bodies should/can make their decisions by utilising modern means of communication (preferably email). The reports of the decision making (e-mails) are to be kept by the respective responsible person (internal business distributor).
2. The Board represents the Association vis a vis other authorities and vis a vis the public.
3. The Board can decide over a temporary associate membership as well as over other matters until a final decision is taken by the General Assembly/GA.
4. The Extended Board supervises all WSA events. A WSA race order is to be published and also to be placed on the WSA website.
5. The decisions of the Board and of the Extended Board adhere to the principle of majority with the exception of disqualification/exclusion rules in accordance with § 9 of this Statute.
§ 16 Proposals, Priority Proposals, Voting Rights,
Decision Making Capacity
- All members possess equal proposal rights in accordance with the underlying Statute.
- All proposals have to be made in writing latest 4 (four) weeks before the start of the General Assembly/GA to the Chairman and the business domicile. They have to be submitted in English and German, but in case of disputes only the German versions are valid.
- All proposals which have not been submitted in time and proposals which result from a GA shall be considered as priority proposals. Such a priority proposal can only be voted upon if a majority of the GA decides to vote. Priority proposals aiming to dissolve an association or containing an alteration of the Statute are not permitted.
- The General Assembly which is called/convened in accordance with the statute is entitled to take legally binding decisions, regardless of how many members with voting rights are present.
§ 17 Decisions
- In the event of elections or proposals the General Assembly decides on the basis of the majority of rendered Yes and No votes. In the event of a tied-vote the Chairman has a casting vote.
- Any alteration to the Statute, alterations of the aims and purposes of the WSA and/or their dissolution require a qualified majority of 2/3 of the legally binding casted votes.